I wrote a book and didn't have a publishing plan. While I like to think I have the soul of an artist, my background is medical, so I came to Anne seeking guidance on this literary path. Not only did her editorial input help me refine my work, but her sage guidance on the steps to publishing were critical in securing my book deal. Years later, I still consider her not only my literary whisperer, but also my friend. I recommend her wholeheartedly and without reservation.
My career would simply not exist if it weren’t for Anne Dubuisson. When I was at a particularly problematic turning point, Anne spent hours talking to me, assessing my strengths as a writer and needs as a person. Then, drawing upon her deep knowledge of the industry and her excellent marketing insights – and employing her innate warmth and encouragement – she recommended a course of action which I followed to the letter. The result was the memoir Riding The Bus With My Sister, which became a bestseller and a movie. Since then, I have written two more books, The House On Teacher’s Lane and The Story of Beautiful Girl, and I turned to Anne both times before I showed the manuscripts to anyone. Her exquisitely smart editorial comments tightened and deepened both manuscripts in key ways, thus making both books more appealing to my agent and to major publishers. I tell every serious writer I know to seek her services, and everyone who has listened to me – even those who have yet to sell their books – has been immensely glad that they did.
When I started working with Anne almost ten years ago, I wasn't sure if all the material I had was enough for a book. Through our work together she helped me dig out the structure for my memoir. By encouraging me to keep going during those times when I struggled to believe in its value, she was always a support. Her developmental editing is wise. She's honest and kind with her feedback while respecting what's unique about my voice. Her guidance about contracts, writing a book proposal and query letter, the publication process and the ins and outs of a writing career have been invaluable to my writing and publishing success.
I reached out to Anne when I was completely stuck in the publishing process. I had completed my first memoir, but didn't receive positive reception from agents and some publishers I spoke with. Little did I know that the first call I made to Anne would change my book and life for the better. Anne and I worked together for quite some time—she helped me rewrite many sections, rearranged scenes, and even cut out meaningless parts. She pushed me to show vs. tell, while maintaining my voice throughout. After many rejections from agents, she continued to urge me not to give up and I’m glad I listened to her. Eventually, I got my book traditionally published, which was my goal. Anne was so supportive and proud of me and I think that is a major testament to how much she cares about her clients and the work she contributes. She is extremely approachable, personable, and encouraging, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to work with her.
Anne’s guidance has been essential to getting several of my books published. She has reviewed my work in progress, helped me approach agents and publishers, edited query letters, and held my hand through difficult moments. She’s reliable, professional, and always supportive — the ideal colleague!
Anne Dubuisson is an author-whisperer (word-whisperer??)—a brilliant and gifted guide who has helped my storytelling find precisely and thoroughly what it wants to say (and let go of what’s cluttering the way). I have turned to Anne as a developmental editor on two projects. Most recently she mapped the final ordering and editing of narrative chapters interspersed with poetry for my hybrid memoir California Medieval. Smart, sensitive, imaginative, and deft in her own writing and thinking, Anne has been insightful and encouraging of mine. I have loved working with her on both projects—and look forward to whatever may be next.
I rely on Anne for her sharp instincts and insights. Not only does she understand the art and craft of writing, but she possesses an uncanny ability to delve into a story and clearly identify the cracks and kinks. Her constructive advice is always honest and the solutions she suggests have improved my work. Best of all, she communicates with humility and kindness, which makes working with her a joy.
I reached out to Anne because I wanted some help navigating the complicated publishing world. She worked with me to fine-tune a proposal that appropriately represented my manuscript’s strengths and scope. Beyond that, she shared insight and advice that made the submission process far less daunting. I felt like my manuscript had an advocate. And once I reached the contract stage with a publisher, Anne was again an invaluable resource, offering insight and expertise about the business side of the industry. She truly cared about my work—and a writer can ask for nothing more from anyone.
I was about a hundred pages into my manuscript (which would become my debut novel) and I felt stuck. I had several ideas for the direction of the story and needed guidance from an experienced professional. From my first conversation with Anne, I knew she was the right person based on the questions she asked me. Each time we met to discuss the structure, flow, and plotlines of the story, Anne's enthusiasm was palpable and I felt so supported. Her suggestions helped me move the manuscript along to the point where I felt confident enough to start querying agents and publishers and, as I did so, Anne was available for consultations on that as well. She also happens to be a really pleasant person to boot! I highly recommend working with her.
My path to publication wasn't easy but I was fortunate to have Anne Dubuisson's guidance along the way. Our brainstorming sessions helped craft my idea from outline to draft to polished manuscript. Anne's expertise and encouragement was essential in my becoming a debut author. If getting published is your goal, you've definitely come to the right place!
In the middle stages of my process of turning a group of separate essays into a manuscript, Anne skillfully helped target the arc of the story in order to create a more cohesive structure and narrative. She met the deadlines we set, allowed me to ask questions before and after, gave helpful feedback and notes, and spent time carefully going over the manuscript with me. Knowing it can be scary to share work with a stranger, she was also kind and supportive. It was a wonderful experience and I would not hesitate to do it again.
Anne has a genius for diagnosing a writer’s strengths and ensuring that their deepest personal voice is identified and heard. With great precision, she targeted essential elements that helped me transform my rambling thoughts and ideas into a cohesive book proposal. Thanks to her expertise and marketing intelligence, I secured an agent and a publisher for my first book. I further benefited from Anne’s sharp eye and encouragement when she helped me work on a magazine essay that was published. Jane Finkle, author of The Introvert's Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job to Surviving, Thriving, and Moving On Up (Career Press)
Anne Dubuisson is a fantastic editor to partner with. She helped me see where I needed to simplify my narrative and where I could spend more time to add depth to scenes and characters. She has also been a great supporter who helped me identify publishing opportunities and evaluate offers from literary agents. With her guidance I was able to navigate the publishing industry, see my first book get published, be awarded National Gold Medal in the 2016 Independent Publisher Book Awards, and become a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards as well as go on to become a number 3 Wall Street Journal bestseller.
Anne worked with me to prepare my book proposal and later served as my editor while I was writing my book. Her knowledge of what a literary agent and publisher look for, coupled with how she walked me through the process step by step, enabled me to assemble a wonderful proposal and successful book. What I most appreciate about working with Anne is her ability to prompt my thinking and my creativity, ensuring that I am getting across what I want to get across. She helped me find my non-academic voice, which has benefited me beyond my role as an author.
Anne has worked with me for many years, guiding me to achieve my dream of selling a manuscript to a publisher. I see my books as coo-coo clocks, representing all the time that I have poured my soul out to them. Anne is the mechanic who tweaks all the intricate parts and allows the bird to sing.
I’m quite sure that it weren’t for Anne my goal of writing and publishing a memoir would not have been achieved. Anne very quickly understood my objectives for writing my book, the story I wanted to tell, and the best way to tell it. She held that vision throughout the writing process and offered consistently useful, insightful, spot-on feedback to help me achieve it. Not only that, Anne thoughtfully helped me determine the best path for publication, and served as an invaluable confidant and consultant throughout the publication journey. I hit the jackpot working with Anne. She is a delightful and consummate professional who made the entire process enriching beyond expectation.